Monday, May 30, 2011

I ♥ Aguacatemala

Livingston, Guatemala

It's my last day in Guatemala and it feels a bit strange. I came here two and a half months ago thinking I would stay about 3-4 weeks. I was gonna be in Cancun (Mexico) by the 15th of April. That didn't happen. What did happen was I started living pretty much like a local, staying with families or friends, eating street food or cooking myself. That's gonna change now as I move on to Belize. No more cellphone, no more living with friends, no more Spanish, no more Gallo (local beer), no more "jocotes a quetzal a mano", no more "si va vos". Sigh.
I might as well admit it. I've done it again. I've fallen for a country. Just like I fell for Costa Rica more than a year ago. When will I ever learn?

I am really excited as well though, otherwise I wouldn't be leaving. Different people, different food, different culture. Will be moving pretty fast through Belize since it's supposedly very expensive, up to Mexico and from Cancun I'll fly to Cuba which I'm really excited about! But most of all I'm excited about moving, being on my way, going somewhere. Searching for something without knowing what.

No sé cuando volveré
No sé donde llegaré

No sé que me encontraré

Pero no importa

Hasta luego, mi Guate! ♥

1 comment:

  1. Åh Emelia! Du är så modig :) Hoppas du har det jättebra! Puss /Johanna (Rosalita)
