Friday, May 27, 2011

Living stoned in Livingston

Livingston, Guatemala

At the time of writing I'm enjoying an ice cold frappuccino on a restaurant overlooking the turquoise Caribbean ocean. It's humid and incredibly hot. The sun is strong and I try my best to stay away from it. Long colorful wooden boats are passing by in a slow pace. On the stereo Bob Marley is playing "Stir it up" and the smell of sea water, weed and pescado (fish) fills the air.
Get the picture?

I'm in the laid-back beach town Livingston on the Caribbean coast, right on the border to Belize and Honduras. I've been away from the ocean for so long that I haven't realized how much I've actually missed it. I just need to be close to the water. It somehow makes it easier to breath and relax. For example this is the first time I've had inspiration to write in a long time.

Being Guatemalas only destination on the Caribbean coast that's worth visiting, it's doomed to be a touristy spot. However there's always a way to get around the tourist traps if you know where to look and are willing to make the effort. As far as I'm concerned I'm just glad to be back on the coast.

I'm staying at the craziest party hostel ever - Casa de la Iguana. It's great fun but maybe not very healthy. Happy hour and drinking games with free shots for the winners is on the menu daily. Yesterday we were woken up, fairly hungover at 12:15, by one of the staff members shouting "Good morning guys! It's time to wake up and start drinking!". That kind of sets the standard. I'm sleeping in a hammock here to save money. 20 quetzales a night (about $2,50 or 16 kr). Totally worth it. I know what you're thinking: malaria and dengue fever? There's actually barely any mosquitos here at all. Although there's tons (tons!) of sandflies. I've been taught a trick to keep them away though - baby oil! The oil is too thick for them to get through so you can continue zipping on your piƱa colada (or down it) without worrying.

What's less enjoyable is that I've gotten a heat rash all over my body. Both arms and legs are covered with itchy (itchy!) red dots. And I've barely been in the sun so you can imagine the heat.

Short boring camera update for those who give a shit:
As you might know my camera died on me a couple of weeks ago, and they couldn't fix it in Antigua (one of the bigger cities). Well they could but it was gonna take at least five weeks and cost up to $400. Not gonna happen. Instead I consulted my good friend google who told me how to fix it. Four dollars later I had fixed it myself. For about a week it was working but a couple of days ago it died again. Once again I've fixed it but I don't know how long it'll last. Will look for a new camera body in Belize City because this isn't very realiable.

Well, my frappuccino is finished, Bob Marley is now playing "Redemption song" and it's time for me to go back to the hostel before happy hour starts. Yah man.

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