Sunday, May 1, 2011

Everybody's talking about smoked champagne

Lanquin, Guatemala

Just got back from two hours of drinking beer and tubing down the river. Such an awesome and chill day! It's days like these I realize how lucky I am to be doing this. And it makes me wonder why I ever would be leaving...

I'm staying at a beautiful lodge in the middle of the jungle. It's the first time I'm staying at a hostel in more than six weeks now, since I've been living with families or friends. It's located in a valley and the stunning view of the surrounding mountains and the river almost has a meditative and soothing impact on you. There really is a special atmosphere here and even just taking a shower is a spiritual experience.

Yesterday we went on a fullday tour to Semuc Champey. (Not to be confused with smoked champagne). The tour started with a voluntary jump into the river from a swing. Of course I managed to land on my back which is still sore. After that we entered the Semuc Champey caves which turned out to be my favorite part of the tour. We swam, climbed, jumped and waded through the caves with nothing but a candle each. It was unlike everything I've ever done before. Also saw a couple of bats in there. As we entered the caves one guy started exploring right away, he slowly put his candle up a hole in the "roof" of the cave and two bats flew out and nearly made that poor guy shit his pants. Fun times. I obviously wanted to make reference jokes to Ace Ventura constantly but no one understood and it made me miss my little brother. "Guano... Collect the whole set!"

After the caves our guide took us to a bridge crossing the river which we apparently were supposed to jump from. As if the swing wasn't enough I obviously had to do the 10 meter jump from the bridge as well. This time I landed on my stomach which is, if possible, even more sore than my back. I can't believe I did it though, and I'm quite proud.

After lunch we entered the national park of Semuc Champey. We walked for about 20 min uphill to get to the mirador (viewpoint) from where you could see the natural pools. Definitely one of the most beatiful natural wonders I've ever seen. Then we walked back down and spent about an hour swimming around in the turquoise water. Heavenly!

Everything isn't just heavenly though. Something has happened to my baby, my SLR camera, it's not working which is a bit (extremely!) depressing. I can turn it on and look at pictures and change settings but when I try to take a picture it says "Error. Press shutter release button again". I might have to go back to Antigua to try to fix it. (Meaning another eight hours on that horrible shuttle). Worst case scenario I'll have to buy a new one. I googled it and it seems to be a pretty common problem though, so hopefully I'll get it fixed. I can't travel without it! It's like I've lost my best travel buddy ever. Sad times.

In the meantime (or should I say mean times) here are some photos taken with my crappy camera.

Zephyr Lodge

Our lovely dorm! Q35 a night (about $4,50 and 30 kr)

View from the showers

Very confident before jumping off the bridge.

No dogs, guns or beer in the national park, please.

Team Zephyr at the mirador

Team Scandinavia!

I wouldn't mind having this view every time I brush my teeth

Awesome breakfast! I know it looks more like frozen chicken fillet, but it's actually pancakes filled with delicious fruit!

Little hostel kittie eating papaya. (I WANT TO STEAL YOU!)

We sell phone cards, pork and medicin. What more could you need?

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