Tuesday, April 26, 2011

Holy shit, it's Semana Santa!

Antigua, Guatemala

I'm in Antigua and Semana Santa has just about ended. Also known as 'Holy Week', 'Easter Week' or simply 'Påsk' like we say in Swedish. I usually just refer to it as 'holy shit', cos that's pretty much what it is to someone who's not religious like me. It's been very interesting though since it's a very big part of the culture here. It's one of the biggest traditions in most of Latin America. And supposedly Antigua is the place to celebrate it. On the schedule you have processions (religious parades), church vigils, street vendors, alfombras (see picture), more processions, food markets, tons of people and a fair dose of party. Few will be surprised when I say I've been focusing more on the latter. On a more serious note it really is a beautiful tradition and I've taken more than 500 pictures. It's amazing to see how important it is to the people here and how they put their heart and soul in to it. Staying up all night making alfombras or joining the processions.

I'm staying with my lovely friends Willy and Simone that I met during my first stay here. It's really been great fun and I'm so glad I met them. We've been cooking delicious food, having breakfast on the terrace, going to a lot of bars and after parties and having a pretty damn good time! Thank you!

Streets fill up quickly during Semana Santa

Making our own pasta. YUM!

The making of the alfombras. Carpets made out of colored sawdust.

Pretty goddamn impressive!

People are working day and night on these alfombras. If it starts to rain they have to start all over.

One out of many processions

Ay, que bonita! Yo quiero una! Cuanto vale?

Mango, mango and mango

This is all I can remember from Antigua

With my lovely flatmates Simone and Willy!

Excited little girl

Danish girl, Carlos, Gabi and me @Monoloco

We all lost our phones and had to buy the cheapest shit available. So funny!

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