Friday, June 17, 2011

Back on track

Tulum, Mexico

After 11 days on Caye Caulker (Belize) I finally managed to leave. After a pretty late night out I woke up at 6:20 am (for some unexplainable reason) and felt like it was time to leave. As the only boat to Mexico leaves at 7am I rushed out of bed, still fully dressed from the night before, and literally shoved my stuff into my backpack. I hugged and thanked the lovely owner Jeff who couldn't believe I was actually leaving this time. Kissed the kittens goodbye and took off. I nearly cried when the boat left the dock. But I guess it was better to do it in a rush like that, like ripping off a bandaid real quickly. "Go slow" I thought to myself and took a deep breath as I watched my paradise island disappear into the horizon.

Now that I'm back in Mexico, enjoying a cold Corona with lime, I can't really complain. I haven't realized how much I've missed hearing Spanish everywhere and eating Mexican street food. Om nom nom. I took a shower the first thing I did when I got here and it was easily the best shower I've had so far on this trip, if not in my life. After having showered in salt water for almost two weeks a proper shower was pure luxury. I also dropped my clothes off at the laundry and organized everything in my packpack for the first time in three weeks. Plus slept in a proper bed with clean white sheets in a room with air-con. Heavenly!

After a good night's sleep and with clean clothes I'm looking forward to going out tonight and dance to some Latin music and maybe visit the Tulum ruins tomorrow.
I'm back on track.

"I have a dream..."

I found a kitten and a bar at the beach. Made my day.

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