Monday, February 21, 2011

I ♥ NY

New York, New York

Fascinating. Fast. People watching. Subways. Pretzels. Pizza. Exciting. Time Square. Brooklyn. Concert. Skyscrapers. Inspiring. New. Stand-up comedy. Bagels. Budweiser. 4 gb of photos. More people watching. More pizza. Starbuck's. Blueberry muffins. Central Park. Sunshine. Spring feeling. Katz. Karaoke. Top of the rock. Refreshing. Vibrant. Seinfeld characters. Diners. Statue of Liberty. Drinking games.
In other words: PURE AWESOMENESS!

1 comment:

  1. Sååå.. du lever ändå! Hoppas du har det underbart! Puss/ den glade spelemannen som hänger i din klase
