Tuesday, April 26, 2011

Holy shit, it's Semana Santa!

Antigua, Guatemala

I'm in Antigua and Semana Santa has just about ended. Also known as 'Holy Week', 'Easter Week' or simply 'Påsk' like we say in Swedish. I usually just refer to it as 'holy shit', cos that's pretty much what it is to someone who's not religious like me. It's been very interesting though since it's a very big part of the culture here. It's one of the biggest traditions in most of Latin America. And supposedly Antigua is the place to celebrate it. On the schedule you have processions (religious parades), church vigils, street vendors, alfombras (see picture), more processions, food markets, tons of people and a fair dose of party. Few will be surprised when I say I've been focusing more on the latter. On a more serious note it really is a beautiful tradition and I've taken more than 500 pictures. It's amazing to see how important it is to the people here and how they put their heart and soul in to it. Staying up all night making alfombras or joining the processions.

I'm staying with my lovely friends Willy and Simone that I met during my first stay here. It's really been great fun and I'm so glad I met them. We've been cooking delicious food, having breakfast on the terrace, going to a lot of bars and after parties and having a pretty damn good time! Thank you!

Streets fill up quickly during Semana Santa

Making our own pasta. YUM!

The making of the alfombras. Carpets made out of colored sawdust.

Pretty goddamn impressive!

People are working day and night on these alfombras. If it starts to rain they have to start all over.

One out of many processions

Ay, que bonita! Yo quiero una! Cuanto vale?

Mango, mango and mango

This is all I can remember from Antigua

With my lovely flatmates Simone and Willy!

Excited little girl

Danish girl, Carlos, Gabi and me @Monoloco

We all lost our phones and had to buy the cheapest shit available. So funny!

Monday, April 25, 2011

"Solid as a rock!"

"Solid as a rock!" she exclaimed with great excitement as she left the bathroom.

You know you're in Guatemala when when happiness equals solid stool.

Saturday, April 23, 2011

Skype Moments

Antigua, Guatemala

I've spent pretty much all day talking to family and friends over Skype.
I needed that. ♥

Mami, papi & hermanito

Hello fridge filled with Swedish food!

Linda la linda!

Haha, gorgeous family photo!

Wednesday, April 20, 2011

Cheap beer & tropical heat

Antigua, Guatemala

Just got back to Antigua after spending a couple of days in the tropical paradise Flores with lovely people and cheap beer. It's been great but I don't have any inspiration to write about it what so ever. So... I wont. Here are some pictures instead.

Brilliant breakfast on the terrific terrace!

Cave exploring

Alex flying

Anabel, Charlie, Alex & Dolores

Hello Happy Hour!

Hello sunset!

Playing hide and seek among mayan ruins in Tikal.

This is Tikal.

This is Flores.

This is a monkey.

This is us having a disco on the terrace.

Friday, April 15, 2011

Dirt, drugs & danger

Guatemala City, Guatemala

I'm in the one place I thought I'd never visit in this country - Guatemala City. Dirt, drugs and danger are words that are often used when talking about this city. But my friend Alberto whom I've been staying with here, reassured me that I had nothing to worry about and that it's completely safe. Then again, everything is relative. Me being Swedish and him being Guatemalteco, we probably don't have the same idea of what's safe and not. Either way I've felt just as safe as anywhere else I've been so far. At least that's what I've been telling myself. (And my parents). Though I must admit that it was a bit creepy when we were walking home after a night out and one block from the house Alberto went:
- Aqui mataron a un amigo mio, (they killed a friend of mine here) and pointed at a phonebooth across the street. Neither was it very pleasant when we entered a sketchy area one night on our way to a bar, and Alberto suddenly put his arm around me and told me that we had to walk faster. Apparently we were in one of the most dangerous areas in Guate with tons of drugdealers and illegal activities. That's exactly the kind of things you like to hear when you're walking around at night in Central America. And I think the fact that Alberto was carrying his brass knuckles with him everytime we went out made me feel more nervous than safe.

I've been here for a week now and nothing has happened so it's all good. We went to the Tigo Fest and saw Chino y Nacho, Don Omar and last but not least - Shakira! It was pretty fucking awesome! That was the reason I came here in the first place, otherwise I probably would have skipped it. Most people do. There's not really a lot to see or do here. But since I've been hanging out with local people that know where to go and what to do it's been enjoyable.

I must add one thing about this place though.
Los hombres.
My god, men here are crazy! I thought I wouldn't stick out that much since it's a big city and I look fairly latina-ish. But no. Here they call me "cancha" or "canchita" - basically "blondie". I recieved flowers twice in three days from random guys. I honestly feel like I'm Shakira. I get comments everywhere I go, at least a 100 per day. "Hola mamita rica", "Que hermosa", "Hola mi amor, que linda eres", "Canchita rica!" or simply just "Ay ay ay!" are common "phrases" I get. Or like that one guy that stuck his head out of his car saying "Sexo, cancha? Sexo?". At first I just laughed at the whole situation, but then I realized that I can't even sit down somewhere reading, eating or whatever without men coming up to me every five minutes wanting to talk. I guess there's no such thing as privacy when you're Shakira. (Hah). I don't even want to imagine what it would be like for an actual blonde to come here.

Enough for now. Orale.

The beautiful view from the terrace

Awesome cheap food!

Strikes in Guatemala seem like so much fun

Random couple who thought I was working for a magazine. Love the guy in the background trying to sneak into the picture.

Bonos & Alberto


Awaiting Don Omar and Shakira