Wednesday, March 16, 2011

Yow ha-blow espan-yowl

Antigua, Guatemala

I've just signed up for a week of spanish studies with homestay and I have a good feeling about it. Moving in with my family tomorrow. Exciting stuff!

Antigua is such a pretty town. With it's colonial buildings, cobblestone streets, pastel colored houses and Mayan culture it's like a dream come true for a photographer. I spent all day just walking around taking pictures.

What worries me though is the fact that - according to the law - all bars must close at 1am here. Apparently it's the same throughout the country. I suppose it's good for the studies though. Then again the time when I practice my spanish the most is when I'm drunk... Actually, speaking of practicing, I should get started. - Hola ladies night at Monoloco, hola 50 cent drinks, me llamo Emelia. Salud!

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