Monday, February 28, 2011

I love Mexican streetfood!

Mexico City, Mexico

Mexico City is all about the food. Apparently. And the people. I've had a great first week here and I've met the most wonderful people. First day I met Sebastian and Diego, two lovely Argentinians that I spent the week with. Museums, pyramids, walking, drinking and a lot (a lot!) of street food has been on the schedule. The food here is so good that I can't see myself ever living without it. And it's so cheap as well! Tacos or a quesadilla for a dollar or two. YUM!

The highlight was definitely meeting Ulises, Lucero, Dielu and some other amazing Mexicans. We met them friday night when we were out looking for a club and they insisted we'd come with them. We had an awesome night out with a lot of Coronas and salsa dancing. The next day they came and picked us up and we all rented a boat and went out on the canals. Seb and Diego brought their guitar and charango so we spent the whole day cruising around on the canals, playing guitar, singing and drinking lots of Corona with (of course) salt and lime. (I aslo tried a beer with chili sauce... Not doing that again!) It was such a lovely day! And as if that wasn't enough they invited us to a graduation party with their family and friends on sunday. A huge buffee with typical Mexican food and drinks surrounded by their lovely relativs between the ages of 1-100 and they kept telling us how welcome we were. "Mi casa es tu casa". Literally.

Today we're moving on to Oaxaca. Try to pronounce that, mom! (Wah-hah-kah) . And by "we" I mean me and Ray, a guy from England and Ben from Australia. They are both huge Ricky Gervais fans. Can you believe it? First time I met Ray we spent two hours talking only in quotes from The Office and Extras. It was like a dream come true! After 24 hours together he told me that my accent was more british than american... Haha. (We all know that's not true) Anyway, mustn't keep Oaxaca waiting! The making of Torta de Milanesa. Hello! My first (but not last!) Mexican quesadilla. Tastes better than it looks. That's a mustache!

Mexican museums make you excited

Wonderful day on the canals!
You know you're in Mexico when squirrels are eating nachos
Graduation house party!! Tequiiiila! Aww! Bellos momentos! Uhh hello...?? Where's the elevator?
Diego in his cowboy hat.

Sebastian in his...silly hat.

Monday, February 21, 2011

I ♥ NY

New York, New York

Fascinating. Fast. People watching. Subways. Pretzels. Pizza. Exciting. Time Square. Brooklyn. Concert. Skyscrapers. Inspiring. New. Stand-up comedy. Bagels. Budweiser. 4 gb of photos. More people watching. More pizza. Starbuck's. Blueberry muffins. Central Park. Sunshine. Spring feeling. Katz. Karaoke. Top of the rock. Refreshing. Vibrant. Seinfeld characters. Diners. Statue of Liberty. Drinking games.
In other words: PURE AWESOMENESS!